Cats from careful breeding, with beautiful characters and the feisty, pristine 'wild look'.
Sinds 1998

  • When on your path through this earthly life you are always accompanied by animals,
  • When of these animals it is the cat you especially appreciate, and you are amazed by the power of its company time and again,
  • When beauty inspires you, and nature itselfs does,
  • Then look around and behold the Norsk Skogkatt, de Noorse Boskat, de Norwegian Forestcat.

Håret Landstryker wenst iedereen van harte 
warme decemberdagen 
een “hårete” nieuw jaar!

Håret Landstryker’s Black Jack Muninn
warm voor de hout-haard

broertje van Mare, Máni, Mats en Motte
foto: E. Bron

Cattery Håret Landstryker tests for: HCM, PKD, PKdef, GSD IV, FeLV and FIV.

Karin Ch. Geerdink
Telephone: (+31) 0578 – 641840

© 2024  Cattery Håret Landstryker